If you can help that is great but I will not just go away. In that event, the new location will be announced on obvious websites such as CG Society’s Cinema 4D forum. I may have to move to a different domain and host for a reasonable cost and continue sales from there. While I am working ardently on a new plugin, it is not something that can be done on the short time-table proscribed by these circumstances. Posted July 20th, 2015: 'My domain, web host, and email will expire on Augand, because of a stream of circumstances, I will be incapable of paying to retain them at all ($300 for just one year is currently out of my reach).
Site that previously hosted Ivy Grower plugin for C4D: Įdit: After more investigation this is the last post on the site if you look at the cache. I may have to move to a different domain and host for a reasonable cost and continue sales from there.
Hopefully the site's just temporarily down. Here's a link to the original one (stand alone) until someone finds a backup link or re-uploads the C4D plugin version somewhere else.